We encourage all talents!

As a major employer in the Community of Castilla y León, Syva plays a decisive role in the economic development of the region. Maintaining the diversity of talent and, above all, retaining and positively developing it within our company is essential to achieving our vision and promoting our core values.

For several years now, Syva has been strongly and convincingly committed to several important projects such as :

We are Syva 3.0 which aims to develop the talents of our employees and attract and retain new talents within Syva, in line with our activities, culture and vision.

The development and concrete implementation of an Equality Plan, complying with the current standards promoted by the 19th General Agreement of the Chemical Industry and the Royal Decree – Law 6/2019, to guarantee equal opportunities and treatment between men and women.

Active collaboration with educational centres and projects that guide students in their professional future, such as the Stem Talent Girl – Science For Her project organised by the ASTI Foundation in León, information sessions in schools and institutes.

In addition, Syva makes every effort to attract talents from such diverse backgrounds as university centres (ULe, FGULEM), vocational training centres (IES Padre Isla, IES Giner de los Ríos, IES Don Bosco …), and various employment centres (Davidown León, SOLTRA, Auto CEM).

We also offer internships, visits to our facilities and we participate in job fairs, such as the LeonUp fair (Ildefe-León City Council), the job and entrepreneurship fair, and the ULe student days.